
Art Journaling for Rough Times

My health has taken a top priority! And anyone who knows me knows that I take a wide view when I go in any direction. I’m an extremist, that’s for sure! I’ve been eating veggies every day, trying to get a lot more activity, and trying to get well. I’ve even signed up for a therapy style app for my mental health, and I’m taking women’s empowerment classes offered by Inspired Living with Linda Joy! I’m taking a mind, body, spirit approach the rest of the summer, and most likely for the rest of this year.

Even though I’ve not been sewing, I have been doing a lot of art, introspection and writing! I’ve started writing a new book about body positivity and self acceptance. And art is nurturing my soul so much right now!

The art that feels so right at the moment is art journaling! I’m still journaling in my copy of Grimm’s Fairy Tales, and I’m picking it up whenever I feel like it. The thing with art journaling is it can be messy and imperfect, which is how I’ve been lately. Making mistakes sucks in daily life, but in your art journal mistakes are welcome. Using your art journal to process feelings is optimal for personal growth and healing.

Here are a few ideas and tips for journaling through rough times.

  1. Choose your safe container! Setting up a safe container for journaling means choosing an old book, paper pad or notebook that feels safe and inspirational to you! Some options include composition books, which are great for journaling on the cheap; vintage hardcover books, or any pad of paper you have handy. Some people art journal in old planners! Others go out and buy fancy art journaling paper. There isn’t a right or wrong journal; the best way to choose is something you will actually want to use.

  2. Get materials organized and ready. What I like to do is have paints, a selection of markers and watercolor pencils, and zipper pouches with things like India Ink, ink pads, highlighters, etc. I use binder clips to hold pages flat when I am working in my journal. I also love to have either Elmer’s school glue or glue sticks handy for collage when I’m feeling that. Tape also works if you aren’t into glue.

  3. Be open to going with the flow! Even if you mostly paint with acrylics in your regular art, when you are going through a rough time you might feel like doing something different to mix it up. One time when I was grieving, I only did collage to help me process my feelings. Or you might go with how you feel each day. If you are a beginner at art journaling, don’t feel like you have to know everything to journal! Just experiment with your materials and enjoy the process of expressing yourself.

  4. Keep the journal handy, so you will see it when you need it most. Also, keep it private if you are worried about other people seeing it. If you write or paint things you don’t want other people to see, glue or tape paper over the top. I used to collage over old written journals! It was writing I didn’t want people to read, so I just glued papers over the top!

  5. Work in the journal when you feel like it, but don’t stick to a daily schedule unless that feels good. Have self-compassion, and don’t pressure yourself to make art if you don’t feel like it. Just art journal when it feels good, and the journaling process will help you feel better!

I’m really enjoying journaling through this rough season of my life! If you are going through a rough time, try art journaling to help you process your feelings! Art is always there for you, for whatever season you find yourself in!