Sew a Simple Bolster Pillow
Rainbow Bolster Pillow
A quick way to add color to any room is by sewing a pillow! Contemporary fabrics now come in a dizzying array of fabulous colors and prints. While it might be cheaper to just go and buy a pillow at a big box store it is just so satisfying to be able to make a pillow that is perfect for your space.
This bolster only took about an hour of cutting and sewing time in total. It is huge at about a yard long, so if you decide to make yours smaller it will take even less time. Part of the process for me was in figuring out how to measure around the ends, but I discovered a quick and simple way to make the process easy.
A big bowl from the kitchen
Half yard or so of the main fabric
A coordinating fabric for the circle ends
Basic sewing kit and machine
Sharpie Marker
Step One: Iron the fabric you are using for the ends. Then place the bowl onto the fabric and trace around it to make two circles.
Step Two: Tape together a couple of pieces of paper and wrap them around the open end of the bowl. Make a mark where the paper comes together, then measure that width. This measurement will tell you how wide to make the main fabric. Be sure to add an inch for seam allowance.
Step Three: Iron the main fabric, then trim it to the dimensions you choose. It can be as long or short as you want the pillow to be, but be sure the width matches the measurement from step 2.
Step Four: Sew along the long side of the main fabric, leaving the ends open. I sewed mine with a half inch seam allowance so that I didn’t have to finish the edges of the fabric. Then sew on the two ends, if you need to pin the ends to the fabric for accuracy first then do so. I just go slowly and line it up as I go. Leave an opening in one side of about four to five inches for flipping the pillow right side out and stuffing.
Step Five: Flip right side out, stuff with fiberfill. Then sew the opening closed with a zig zag stitch.
These pillows are great for hugging and snuggling or to give as a gift! Enjoy your new pillow and savor that you made it yourself!