Full Moon Gratitude Cards

The Eclipse was amazing last night! If you did not see it, I can tell you a little about how it looked. The moon looked almost pinkish gray, not dark red like the blood moons of nine years ago. It was amazing because the eclipse went on and on, during the two hours I saw the moon last night it was covered in shadow with just a small sliver of shimmery moon showing through!

In the past I was really into doing little rituals at the New Moon mostly, but sometimes for the Full Moon too. Typically those revolved around what other people were doing or teaching at the time. After being so into spirituality for so many years I think I have finally graduated to be able to come up with my own little ceremony!

The Full Moon is typically about celebrating what you are thankful for! In the USA, Thanksgiving is right around the corner. But perhaps sometime over the next few days would be a most potent time to give thanks for how far you have come in this life. I started my ceremony last night with prayer, to thank God for guiding me into some fresh directions this past few months. Next, I grabbed a stack of magazines and flipped through, tearing out pages that represent things I’m thankful for.

The truth is, things that make you feel gratitude are really a part of you…the best part! Taking time to notice, name and honor those things is like honoring aspects of your higher self…your best self!

Today I’m arranging the images onto 5x7 notecards and gluing them down. I’m going to keep these little cards and add to them over time. If you want to try this activity, you could always collage everything together on paper or cardboard and then put it somewhere you can see it often. Because it will help grow even more things to be grateful for!

The Eclipse was really powerful, the energy can be felt by all whether you saw it last night or not. Take a minute and just notice something good in your life today! It has been challenging this past couple of years but God is always putting things in our life to be profoundly grateful for if we just stop to notice.
