Art Video: Body Positive Lovers

I’ve been experimenting with making some more art videos for Instagram! I did this video yesterday and have decided to only share it here on the blog. This painting is for all the women who think they can’t be loved because of how they look. I have to tell you, I have always crushed on guys with big noses! LOL! I’m not sure why that is. If there is something you don’t like about the way you look, can you take a moment to just appreciate that your face and body are pure miracles! Nobody on Earth looks exactly like you do. We are each like snowflakes, no two of us are exactly alike.

I have an identical twin sister. When we were younger we looked similar, but she wore glasses. Today we barely even look like we are related. I gained weight and she is thin. She wears glasses still and has long hair, and my hair is bob length. Sometimes I wish I looked more like her. But just for today, I’m appreciating what a miracle it is just to be me!

So without further ado, here is the art video I made! Love on yourself this month! Accentuate the qualities you love and rock it!