Use Up Those Supplies!
I have a kind of obsession lately, that I want to use up my supplies. My stuff is kind of loosely organized in boxes and bins, but my supplies call out to me wanting to get worked into different projects. I am actually fairly intentional about how I shop for art stuff. I try not to buy too much that I really don’t need anymore. Some people hoard art stuff, and I guess you could kind of put me in that category at times. But I love to use what I have as well because my initial inspiration to purchase those things can get lost in the shuffle of all the art and sewing I have going on.
Sugar Skull Plush
I’ve had a box of felt for at least a year now, and it has been on my mind lately. I have a pattern for Seventies stuffed animals, but I wanted to do something more modern with the felt. So I took on the challenge of finding projects to use that shit up! Just a little searching on the internet and you can come up with all different kinds of projects to make with your materials. There are seasonal ideas and also things to enjoy all year round.
Jack O’ Lantern Plush
So I decided to make a big sugar skull plush for my twin! It turned out kind of funny looking, but it no doubt has that handmade feel to it. Next I made a Jack O’ Lantern plush for my husband as a surprise. Both of the plushies have a loop attached so they can be displayed on a doorknob or on our baker’s rack. Most of what I had left after that was all red, pink and purple felt pieces. So I made a bouquet of roses to brighten up my sewing room.
Felt Rose Bouquet
Sometimes inspiration is as close as the supplies you already own! Take a fresh look at your collection of supplies and let it inspire you to make something fun.