Alternative Halloween Ritual

I didn’t get too much into Halloween this year. Not because I don’t LOVE Halloween, but more because I’ve been busy working on my book project. Lately I’ve been trying to churn out art for my upcoming book and it is going really well! I’ve also been sewing a little here and there…hemming pants and doing light upcycles to tweak my wardrobe a little bit. I’m also planning a personal glow up to feel more confident in my skin! I gained a few pounds since the Pandemic hit. So initially I focused on weight loss but then became completely anemic! So now I’m focusing less on weight loss and more on health and self care. It is a fall/winter project I’m working on to bring some harmony to my mind, body and spirit health.

I’ve wanted to develop some of my own traditions for holidays! I’ve never really been that into traditional holiday celebrations all that much. Slowly I’ve been integrating some ideas I love for the different seasons. Halloween is a time when ancestral veneration is practiced in many cultures throughout the world! So I did my own ritual to honor my family of origin. First, I printed out photos from my childhood…pics of me and my sisters, and my folks. I got out my altar boxes because I have created some for my most cherished family members. I lit some incense and cut out the photos of myself and my family. I hung up the photos on my wall and said a prayer for my family.

It was a super quick ritual, but I love the way it connected me to my heart and to the people who mean so much to me! I decked out the sewing room with photos of my husband and my family. I got out my stone collection and placed stones here and there. Some went into the altar boxes and some are on a little moon shaped shelf. I’m not entirely in love with how things are organized so I will be moving things around as time goes by!

If you love holidays but are sick of the traditional celebrations, do some research and come up with your own ways to celebrate! It makes a holiday special to you and will bring some personal significance to holidays you might not normally get into all that much.