
Views from My Recent Adventures

It has been a long summer, that’s for sure! Hell, it has been a long year! Fortunately fall is right around the corner, just in time for my body to be restoring itself to health. I’m still on oxygen, and I should be off it in a month or two. The doctor’s orders are to get a lot of activity and keep stepping down off the oxygen machine; so I’ve been cleaning, decluttering and sewing like there is no tomorrow! I’m mostly off the oxygen at my desk, it is mainly activity that is still a hold up. I’m doing better and better. Sometimes it feels like it is taking forever, and I get impatient. This is one of the hardest things I’ve faced, hands down!

The sun has been coming out super early, and some days I awake to the sunlight streaming in the windows at first light of dawn! I take a deep breath, then pull the covers back over my head. Summer has not ever been one of my favorite seasons. I used to love it in childhood, but as an adult spring and fall are more my thing!

I’m so excited to get off the oxygen and to get back to my “new normal”. The entire summer has been a process of shedding skin, peeling back layers of what wasn’t working before, and healing myself on all levels. It hasn’t been easy, and I’m so grateful to the people in my life for surrounding me with forgiveness, support and love!

I’m a non-smoker now, and I’ve completely kicked nicotine! I’ve been a non smoker for about two and a half months. I’m feeling great with the changes, and next up my focus is shifting to other aspects of my health. Health can feel like a journey, where you get through one challenge only to realize that what used to be okay with you is no longer working. I’m opening myself up to change, and ready for the next steps.

Just for this moment, I’m breathing a sigh of relief. I’ve come a long way this summer! As I step into fall next weekend, I’m bringing curiosity and a sense of play to my life. I’m done taking things too seriously. Serious is important sometimes, but it is important to enjoy your life too! That is one of the biggest lessons I’ve learned this summer, as I have missed so many things about life before I got sick. I’m ready to bust through this last hurdle of my healing path, and step into something new!

Kathryn Sturges