Self Care for Mind, Body and Spirit

I used to be really into self care as a way of life, but somehow along the way I got away from it. It dawned on me today that I have not been doing enough to take care of myself, mind body and soul! So I meditated a little and got out an adult coloring book. I have a small collection of coloring books that I get out from time to time. Something about coloring with zero need to make anything good or special makes me relax and unwind!

Are you doing enough to take care of yourself these days? The Pandemic seems worse now than ever before, and it can be so easy to tough out the daily grind without taking the time to nurture yourself. I created a list some years ago, called the “Mind, Body, Spirit Guide”. It has self care items that you can try to achieve balance and feel grounded. I’m going to share it here, and choose a few to try this week.

Art is so healing because it helps you tune in to your inner wisdom! When I was coloring today I could see that I have been starry eyed about the vision for my life, and that I need to take a more grounded approach. Choose a coloring book, get some colored pencils and give yourself time just for you! It is so worth it!

The Mind Body Spirit Guide

If you are reading this little book, chances are you feel like there must be a way to feel really good in your life.  The Mind, Body, Spirit Connection is very real and each individual aspect of a person affects the other areas.  I’ve been studying ways to feel better in my life and I’ve learned a ton about ways to lift my spirits and reach a whole new level of harmony.  And so I have decided to give this little book as a free gift to fellow travelers, people who want to set a new standard in life to feel really good.

About ten years ago I was a total wreck and every day was total misery.  I was in a dark depression and couldn’t seem to shake myself out of it.  I felt a lot of shame for mistakes I had made in life and I saw myself as too broken to contribute in a meaningful way to the world.  So I sat feeling very sorry for myself for a few years and let me tell you, the more you think about how miserable you are it actually proves to be a self-fulfilling prophecy.  The more you get stuck in the mud of sadness and doubting your own brilliance, the worse off your life tends to get.

I began studying healing modalities to feel better about myself and my life.  I’ve explored meditation, worked with some life coaches, taken classes on getting the most out of life.  And what I’ve found is that feeling good about life is a daily tending; a daily check in to what you most need and then meeting those needs one at a time.  Slowly you can feel better day to day, and over time your life will change in radical ways!

I do not offer these ideas as an expert, and I’m not perfect at achieving all of these healing practices all of the time.  When I began compiling this list I realized that my body could use more attention, so I’m dedicating more time to that area in the months to come.  You may find that one area comes really easy to you while the others are more work to bring into balance.  And that is OKAY!  Choose a few practices to start with and try out different things until you figure out what makes YOU feel great!

One thing I love to do throughout the day is to tune inward and ask, “What would feel good right now?”, then do that thing.  Taking care of yourself can blossom into a way of life, and I guarantee you will feel better a lot more often.  Some of the best advice I ever got in life was “If the thing you are doing isn’t working, get up and do something else!”  It sounds so simple, but really how often do you drudge through the day without really stopping to see if the activities you do are making you feel good? 

So, without further commiseration, here is a list of ways to feel good.  Some ways to work with this list are to choose your favorite items and write them each on a note card.  Then when you are feeling out of balance simply pull a card and do what the card says.  Or you could print out the list and keep it somewhere special.  When you are feeling out of balance pull out the list and try a few of the activities from each category that speak to you.  Add to the list too, and find ways that custom fit your own life.  Something that works for me might not work for somebody else.  Once you are more familiar with different self-care practices, you will naturally be drawn to just the right activity at just the right time that it is needed.

Here’s to a whole new way of life that feels amazing!  Thank you for taking this step toward wholeness and healing!  I’m rooting for you!


1.     Meditate:  Close your eyes and listen to the sounds in your environment.  When you have a thought, gently let it go and return to listening to sounds.  This is a great way to clear the mind and calm overactive thinking.

2.    Journal it:  Grab a pen and paper and write out what's on your mind.  Keep your journal in a special place away from prying eyes and as you begin to trust the page your journal might slowly become a new best friend!  Get out all your hopes and fears and then look back over what you have written when the journal is complete.  Anything that comes up over and over again in your writing is worth exploring further.

3.    Make a gratitude list or start a gratitude art journal:  Connecting with thankfulness is the highest form of positive thinking.  You could take photos with your cell phone of things you are grateful for, draw pictures of the people in your life that mean the most to you or simply jot down a list.  Gratitude is the highest form of positive thinking and when you make it a regular practice gratitude has a way of giving you a whole new perspective.

4.    Get creative:  Tapping into creativity connects you to the endless source of inspiration in the Universe.  The simplest act of creativity is to grab some magazines, tear out three images and a word or phrase that you are drawn to and then glue them in a pleasing arrangement in a composition book.  Expressing yourself visually is very healing and helps you tune in to your authentic self.

5.    Do something you really enjoy today:  What sounds fun right now?  Sometimes life gets too heavy and you just need to lighten up a bit.  Watch a comedy, play a game, spend time with someone you love.  Even just a half hour at a coffee shop can turn a drab afternoon into something worth remembering. 

6.    Visualize it:  Take some deep breaths and relax your body from head to toe.  Then imagine your wildest dreams coming true.  Try to see images in your head of yourself in the perfect place for you, doing things you love.  See your loved ones smiling and happy, see yourself healthy and living out your joyful fantasies.  Then say some affirmations at the end.  Notice how your visualization begins to mesh with reality in your life.

7.    Say some positive affirmations:  Affirmations are short positive phrases that can help you feel better about your life.  Either write a few out each day or memorize some to repeat when you need them the most.  A few that I love are “I’ve Got This!”, “Every day in every way I’m getting better.”,  and “I Live My Truth”.   The words you speak about yourself and your life hold a lot of power.  Use affirmative words to lift yourself and others up.

8.    Read a good book:  Go to your bookshelf or a local bookstore and pick up the book you are most drawn to.  Read it cover to cover and nourish your mind and spirit.  Jot notes in the margins, draw doodles in the blank areas and really get into the material you are reading.

9.    Mindfulness of Breathing:  Take seven deep breaths and breathe in peace, when you exhale visualize stress and tension going out with the breath.  Then focus on your breathing for a while and when a thought enters your mind, visualize it drifting away like a cloud in a pale blue sky. 

10.Take a day trip!   Gather your loved ones and take a day trip someplace new.  When you get to your destination go in a store or café that calls out to you.  You would be amazed at how fun and healing day trips can be!  Vacations don’t have to always be to lands far away, even enjoying adventures in your hometown can be really inspirational.

11.Enjoy some silence:  Silence is a great way to calm your mind and let go of the stress of the day.  I try to have moments of silence every day, to help me tune inward and hear the stirrings of my heart.

12.Try a new hobby:  If there is something you have always wanted to learn about, there has never been a better time than right now to dive in!  Watch some videos on YouTube about your topic of interest or buy a book on the subject.  Then actually get messy and do the hobby!  No perfection allowed… 


1.     Stretch it out:  Do some gentle yoga poses and stretches to feel more grounded and centered.  YouTube has lots of free Yoga workouts to try, so put on some comfortable clothes and get stretching.  If you are not physically able to do full on yoga, try chair yoga for a soothing treat.

2.    Shake what your mama gave you:  Dancing freely to your favorite music is uplifting.  It is also a great way to release pent up energy and emotions.  I love to turn on Pandora Radio and get my energy moving.  March in place, jump and shimmy.  Get your whole body into the music and you will feel incredible!

3.    Take a walk in nature or even in your neighborhood:  Walking in nature is a great way to clear your head.  Nature is the ultimate healer, peace is yours with every step.  Notice the plants and animals you see along the way.  Offer everything and everyone you see peace and love.

4.    Enjoy your favorite food:  Food is meant to be enjoyed so savor your next meal.  Try mindful eating and slow down, savoring each bite.  Focus on how nourishing the food is and thank everyone who harvested, shipped and stocked the food to get it to your table.

5.    Have a glass of water:  Water rids your body of toxins and is the best way to hydrate your body.  If you want you could flavor it with a bit of lemon or add some berries to make it a truly divine experience.

6.    Introduce a new fruit or vegetable to your diet:  Try swapping out one routine food that is unhealthy with a healthier alternative.  Or level up one of your routine meals by adding some veggies to it.  Additionally, try to replace a sugary treat with a piece of fruit and make that a habit for nourishing your body.  Try to get five servings of fruits and veggies every day, but if that seems difficult aim for at least one healthy snack a day.

7.    Have a mug of tea:  Teas have healing properties and soothe your body.  Enjoy the sensory experience of slowly brewing a cup.  If you are looking for a caffeine boost, try some Black Tea.  Green Tea and Herbals have a lot of health benefits.  Sipping on tea is a soothing treat!

8.    Try aromatherapy:  Put on a body spray, perfume or cologne and let the scent uplift your spirit.  Or light some incense and wave the smoke around your favorite space in your home.  You could also try out an essential oil blend to calm your nerves or energize you.

9.    Tune in to body sensations:  Do some deep breathing for a few minutes, then focus on how your body feels.  Simply open up your perception to the sensations in your body and notice what shows up.  Our bodies are always full of sensations however most of the time we are focused on other things.  Tuning in to your body this way can help you feel more grounded.

 10.Try a new restaurant:  It has been proven that most people eat the same ten to fifteen foods on repeat.  Mix up your diet and explore some new restaurants for a fun culinary experience.  Or make a new recipe at home!  Try making smoothies…throw your favorite fruits in with orange juice and blend.  They are a great way to get nutrition that tastes good too!

11.Move your body:  Do a workout that sounds fun!  Joyful movement is as easy as taking a walk, playing tennis, dancing or any other activity that makes you smile.  I enjoy aerobics or dance at home, while some people may prefer sports or bicycling.  The point is to do something you really enjoy!  If you have limited mobility try chair yoga or a beginner’s walking work out. 

12.Let go of a bad habit and replace it with a good habit:  Take it one step at a time and go easy on yourself along the way.  It helps to find a healthy substitute for the bad habit, create some affirmations to say every time you are tempted.  Ride the waves of temptation and put your energy into things that really enrich your life. 


1.    Pray:  Give your worries to God and say thanks for your blessings.  If you are struggling or having a hard time in life, practice giving your worries to God or your Divine Power and then letting them go.  Say “God’s Will Be Done” and God will show you a better way.

2.    Read a new spiritual book:  I have some spiritual books that I enjoy reading again and again.  Jot down your favorite nuggets of wisdom and try out the spiritual practices that are recommended in the book.  Spiritual books have a way of smoothing out the rough patches in life and give so much comfort.

3.    Get passionate and take action for a cause you care about:  Volunteer, write letters, donate old stuff, give to the homeless.  It feels really good to help someone else and can make your problems seem to disappear when you focus on what you can offer to help somebody else.

4.    Make your home a sanctuary:  Declutter an area that has been bothering you and show your home some love.  Clean the space as thoroughly as possible and decorate with items that bring you joy.  Your environment plays a big role in how you feel about yourself and your life, so take some time to make it a haven for you and your family.  Feng Shui is the art of arranging items in a way that brings good energy flow to your environment, and it really does work!  Look online for ideas.

5.    Get out in nature, enjoy the magic of the natural world:  There is something so profoundly healing about connecting to nature.  I have often thought that your relationship with nature is a vivid representation about your relationship with life itself.  If you have fears related to nature the best way to get through them is to go outside some each day.  Nature is the ultimate healer, it provides everything we need to survive on the Earth and spending time with Mother Nature is profoundly satisfying to the soul.  You might notice this one shows up in more than one list.  Spending time in nature is the ultimate way to get back into alignment and feel really good.

6.    Give the gift of kindness and attention to someone in your life.  Turn your energy outward to someone you love and figure out how you can help them in that moment.  Additionally, send a surprise care package to someone you love.  Everyone loves surprises, and it will make you feel good to do something special to honor relationships in your life.

7.    Practice letting go of the past:  If you are swamped by thoughts of the past, visualize yourself putting all those thoughts into a hot air balloon and then send it off into the sky.  Wave goodbye to the past and focus on the present moment.  One thing that works for me when I am thinking of a past memory is to think “I honor this memory and now I let it go!”  Then focus on the present moment and use your senses to become more mindful of the moment you are in.

8.    Forgive yourself and others:  Each moment is an opportunity to start again.  The easiest way I have learned to forgive is to separate the action from the person.  Everyone makes mistakes sometimes, and people change over time.  Forgiving someone does not mean they have the right to continue to hurt you.  If someone is in your life that makes you feel bad, spend less time with them.  I’ve noticed that forgiveness is more of a gift you give to yourself to live with more love in your own heart.

9.    Embrace the moment:  Take a mindful pause and tune in to what is happening right now, in the moment you are in.  Whether it is happy or painful, take some deep breaths and allow yourself to feel how you feel right now.  Facing the moment can be an act of courage, and it is also a beautiful way to tune in to what is really going on in your life.  Change and healing only happen in the moment you are in. 

10.Bring a new plant into your home:  Tending to plants is nourishing and is a wonderful way to bring the outdoors in.  Create at least one area for plants in your home and get on a regular schedule of watering and caring for the plants.  If you are new to plants it might take some trial and error at first.  Choose plants that are easy to care for and give yourself time to learn the ways of nurturing those plants.  Taking care of plants is a great way to get focused on nurturing something else and it is fun to watch plants grow. 

11.Make a travel altar:  Get a small tin and paint it or add collage with paper and glue.  Then fill it with small treasures that have meaning for you.  You could also add a small vial of essential oil to make the tin a sensory experience.  Then you can connect with your spirituality no matter where you go. 

12.Spend time with an animal:  If you have pets, spend some time today bonding with them.  If you don't have animals, go out in nature and observe animals in their natural habitat.  If you see an animal repeatedly, that animal might have a message for you.  Spirit Animals are a way of looking to the animal kingdom and divining wisdom to apply to your life.  Search for a specific animal that means a lot to you online  and see what message you can apply to your life.

I hope you have enjoyed this list of healing activities!  If you have any questions about this list or would like some guidance… 

feel free to contact me at

or find me on my blog

Life is meant to be enjoyed! When you care for yourself it ripples outward toward all the people in your life.

-Kathryn Sturges