
FREE Classes!

I used to sell on Etsy on and off, and last week I decided to put a handful of my classes there. Wow! Etsy has changed a lot! The moment I got my classes on the site I remembered the things I don’t like about that platform. Only now, it is even more intricate to the point that I just don’t want to sell there anymore.

I’ve added a “FREEBIE” page at the top navigation! There are three offerings in that section, and they are all entirely free! Download a free class or a set of coloring pages and immerse yourself in some creative play! After you submit your email and the class winds up in your inbox, you have 24 hours to download the class.

The story behind these classes is I started writing mini books back in 2019. I had so much fun with it that I always desired to do it again! The “DREAM” class was created back then. The other two offerings are recent from this past year.

So here’s an invitation to dive in and gift yourself some introspective time to have some fun! Personally, I don’t always love guided creativity, however when I get stuck or am not inspired I love dipping into a class or coloring book for relaxation. Get out your art materials and have some “me” time. Learn some new ways to approach your art and writing, or print out the class and share it with a friend!

Kathryn Sturges