
Collecting, Donating and Letting Go

Artists in general tend to collect things! Whether that is supplies or finished pieces…artists just tend to have a lot of stuff. Women also tend to collect things more often than men. Women collect everything from beauty supplies, make up, fashion accessories and clothes, to knick knacks and home goods. Sure, men collect as well! However with women, their roles to create a comfortable home and look a certain way all factor in to collecting.

I’ve been pondering why I collect stuff! I have so many collections, I’m losing track of them all. What is it about shopping and nesting that leads to collecting stuff? The reality is, I know deep down that buying things I don’t need is harmful. Because that stuff will eventually wind up in the landfill some day. But collecting things makes me feel safe and nurtured. Collecting also feeds my creative spirit, and inspires my muse!

Last week I donated my vintage Cabbage Patch Doll collection. Honestly the vintage dolls were frightening me! Something about owning pre used dolls and then having had a lot of paranormal experiences over the years triggered a fear that the dolls could be haunted. That might sound crazy to some, but the truth there is a huge majority in the USA that actually believes that material possessions can contain spiritual energy.

I recently donated clothes and materials to two fashion upcyclers. Now I’ve filled two bags of clothes to donate to Goodwill. And I’m already talking myself into keeping them. When you can upcycle things, suddenly everything has a purpose. Reality is though, I don’t want to be a hoarder. I recently took down the clothing rack in the sewing room because having all the visible clutter was making my experience in there subpar.

Prolonging the wear of clothing means you have to stop new stuff from coming in, and use what you have. I did that for a while, and then I made the mistake of looking at shops. There are always so many trendy fashions I feel like I need to have! I do love being surrounded by stuff. It makes me feel like I’m in a cocoon of possibility. Books to be read one day. Clothes to be altered, upcycled or given fresh life. Old art to be cherished, handmade possessions collected off Etsy or given to me as gifts. I’m not a minimalist by any stretch of the imagination, and I’m okay with that.

Do you collect? What do you collect and why? Is there a way to collect that isn’t harmful to the planet? That’s what I’m thinking about this week, as I go through my clothes.

Kathryn Sturges