

Hi! I’m Kat Sturges! I’m a free spirit living in the Midwest. I paint my heart out, write until my fingers throb, sew like the wind, and dance to the beat of my own drum.

I’m super stoked you have discovered my blog! I have been blogging for over ten years, from my hermit’s hideaway. I have social anxiety and don’t meet up with people face to face all that often. This website has become my home on the internet! It is my place to share things I’m working on, to document the creative projects that fuel my life, and share the journey each step of the way.

Feel free to take any project idea on the blog, put your own spin on it and do what you want with the result! It would make me so happy to help others in some small way, and hopefully you will find something that inspires you to create! The seasons of life are always changing, I hope you find inspiration in every season you are in!