Body Positive Coloring Book and Valentine's Greeting
Isn’t love great? I love to love! I love to be in love! I love to dream of love, and fall head over heals with the fantasy of love. Love has moved mountains in my life! God’s love, my husband’s love, friends and family love. Platonic, romantic, spiritual, soul stirring love!
It’s Valentine’s Day, and my cat Indy is still sick! So my husband and I are monitoring him moment to moment. Is he stress free? Is he eating and sleeping? Does he look anxious? Indy got stressed from vet visits and now he is developing other problems from the stress. We are trying as hard as we can for him!
I hope you are having a wonderful Valentine’s Day. Focus on the people and animals you love! Valentine’s Day doesn’t have to be “perfect”…just feel the love in your heart. That is enough!