"Soul Force" by Joseph Arnold

I have a little book club going. Honestly it is me and a woman I met on Instagram! And both of us keep fizzling on the book. Life has been hectic, and we both just dip into the book when we feel like it. I keep flipping open the book, because I’m trying to figure out a new way for my art! Yes! I want to write books! Yes! I want to create graphic novel adventures.

Beyond that though, why do I feel like selling art is the only way to make it worthwhile? It is like ingrained deep in my psyche, that art doesn’t matter unless you sell it. What the fuck is up with that? I mean, why does selling something give it worth? Since when was something more valuable if it had a price tag on it. I call bull shit on the lie that so many artists have taken in deep into their soul. It is a lie that is so destructive. I don’t know about other artists, but personally I have cried so many tears and felt so much shame because of trying to sell my art.

“Soul Force” is like an awakening! Art is for inspiration, healing, and connection! I mean…big breath! And a deep feeling of satisfaction comes over me when I digest that. It is like something I used to know along the way for many years when I was trying to make something of my life. I was making things, and made to feel like that wasn’t enough.

The outside world was putting so much pressure on me to make something of my life! Meanwhile, I was working on my art. I was showing up at my art table every single day, rain or shine. For about 16 years! Putting in the time. Trying to get better at what I did. Trying to heal myself along the way. Supporting other artists, taking classes, enJOYing the process. Stringing together a life of creative moments and memories.

I’ve done a lot of art I’m super proud of! And that is enough for me. I no longer sell my original watercolors and paintings. They mean too much to me. Way more than a dollar ever could!

Book ClubKathryn Sturges