Fashion Sketching
fashion sketch by Kathryn Sturges
I haven’t written much about fashion sketching, because it’s just something I do when I sew. I never got that much into sketching clothes as an art form. Sure, I have a book on the subject, and I keep meaning to learn how to draw different fabrics and styles! But for the most part, unless I’m basing a work of art on a photo, the clothes I draw are usually pretty simple.
When I’m designing an upcycle though, sketching often plays an integral part in the design process! The sketches I do when I’m sewing help me to figure out the best design, fabrics and look I’m going for. Sketching comes in handy regardless of what you are sewing! I used to keep a composition book handy in the sewing room, along with Sharpie markers and a pen. And I would sketch out each quilt idea I had, or pillow or other project before it came time to sew. That way I could make the mistakes on the paper instead of wasting fabric.
Sketching fashion is great when you are struggling to decide on which elements to bring to a design. On this particular project, I had a couple of elements that were forming the basis of the design, and I was struggling to figure out what fabric to go with for the underskirt. I was also struggling to figure out which overall design to use on the top. After drawing a few different looks, it was easy to see which one I like the best!
When you sketch a design for a project you are making, let it be a rough sketch. Unless you plan on sharing the drawing as part of your process, feel free to make it scribbly and messy. I keep my sketches to myself most of the time when I make things. You don’t even need a set notebook, just grab a sheet of paper. I’ve used printer paper in a pinch!
The next time you cannot figure out what you want a project to look like, take it to the page and get visual! Try out your ideas with pen, marker and paper before you get sewing! It can help you commit to a look and avoid energy wasted.